Just give me Jesus


Artist Alice van Kempen features photography of her Bull Terrier, Claire, in abandoned buildings. I would encourage you to find her work on Facebook.

However, in this photo there is only Jesus reaching out amid the destruction and decay. Don’t you think that mirrors our lives today? Amid all the destruction and chaos of this world, Jesus still waits with open arms for you and for me.

What a lovely thought in an ugly world.


What Me Worry?


It is easy, in these times, to worry about the future. Wars, fires, floods, and politics are just a few of the things that can weigh on the mind. I worry about my children’s futures, about our country…about too much.

It is important to remember that God is STILL on His throne and that He will lead us through tough times. I’m not saying things will be easy. I’m just saying, the One we Worship, will be by with us and some day…He will set the world to rights.

I stand on that promise.

I know, that I know, that I know… Lent 11

Lent Letterpress

We once had a priest that would often say “I know, that I know, that I know” when he tried to explain his believe in Jesus Christ. It became somewhat of a Christian mantra for him.

I get it.

I love when people ask me how do I know that Jesus is real. While not easy to explain, I relish the opportunity to share my faith and what it has meant to me. I know that people want solid proof. They want to hear God’s soft whisper in their ear. They want something tangible that they can hold in their hands. But that is not typically the nature of faith. It is unseen and it is felt…it is simply known.

I think back to the disciples and the followers of Christ while He walked this earth. He could take five fish and feed thousands, He could raise the dead, heal the sick, and forgive the unforgivable. Yet, they still doubted.

When you acknowledge Christ’s presence in your life, you will know. It is a sense of peace and a sense of joy unlike anything this world can offer. I have had moments where I felt the real presence of Christ in my life. I have felt that peace that passes all understanding and I know where it came from. It certainly wasn’t from me.

God dwells deep within my soul and I will never be able to describe it in detail, I just try to live a life that acknowledges His presence and hopefully allows my inner light to shine…just a little or a lot.

I know, that I know, that I know. I wish the same for you.

Oh sweet peace… Lent 6

Lent Letterpress

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Oh sweet peace…such an illusive thing in this world.

When Jesus speaks to His disciples, He knows the future and He knows that true peace will not be something found in this world but only through Him. Jesus is the One who sacrificed His life for us ensuring an eternity covered under grace and love. A glory-filled and peaceful future. This verse still speaks to us today. It rings true and is comforting.

Struggle is an integral part of life. Succumbing to despair over struggle is a choice. I don’t know if all encompassing peace will ever be attained in this lifetime; but, I rest my heart, my soul, and my hope on Jesus and I know that peace will come.

It will come…someday.

A Right Spirit – Lent Two

Lent Letterpress

Yesterday was not one of my better days.

It is so easy for me to allow myself to get bogged down in the mundane daily trials of life. One word of discouragement can lead to a day filled with anxiety and disappointment.

What a waste of a perfectly good day.

By day’s end, I had started my Lenten walk by attending Ash Wednesday services. During the service, we recited the 51st Psalm. What struck me was Verse 11: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me”.

I’m worried about the trivial but God is worried about my heart. I’ll stick with God and worry less about myself. He knows what is important and uses a solemn service to remind me…

…and I’m glad.