Living in twilight…


For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)

My thoughts are with dear friends today who are working with parents burdened with alzheimer’s or dementia. These precious friends have a whole set of problems that are difficult to resolve.

It seems so unfair that an otherwise healthy individual would develop such a catastrophic disease robbing them of their memory and especially the memory of those they love the most. These caregivers never give up and even when the light has gone out of their loved one’s eyes…they carry on with honor and dignity. They love, caress, talk and sing to those who were once able adults and loving parents.

Life is hard and we live without guarantees when it comes to health. The caregiver’s tender devotion serves as a living witness of God’s love for us.

God sees their efforts and is grateful for their sweet care. The loving hands of a child who hugs without expecting or receiving anything in return is a special thing. Their tender devotion is a living witness of their faith.

As my mother used to say…for these precious caretakers…another star in their crown. May God bless those they love and may God bless these precious souls who care for loved ones who live in twilight.


Points of Light

Try to remember whenever we meet

and I have little or nothing to say that

doesn’t mean I’m neither here nor there…

look for random points of light in the

hooded shadows of my eyes…listen to

the rhythms in each of these lines beating

slowly…oh-so-slowly…just for you.

– Anon