A Little Child Shall Lead


My sweet 6-year old Grandgirl painted this for me today without telling me. She surprised me with the gift of her painting. Then she proceeded to explain it to me. Lily called it abstract art showing the manger scene with hay and the small purple dot was baby Jesus.
The purple hand is the hand of God over Jesus and the yellow is the moon to guide the Wise Men.

How great is this? How great is God?

She took the party with her…


Creativity inspires me. Specifically, I love to collect various kinds of art. I have old traditional paintings, folk art paintings and sculptures in my home. 

One of my favorite sculptures is called “She took the party with her” and I just love this particular piece. It’s a lady with her hair wildly circling her head and she’s wide eyed and happy. She is in full-on celebration mode. To be honest, it is exactly how I feel. Some would say it is exactly how I look.

When I think about what I want on my headstone…I think those words would be perfect. I’m not a sour Christian. I’m a happy, glorious, in-your-face kinda Christian. Life is joy and life with Christ is something to celebrate.

When I crossover into glory, I hope to have my party shoes on with a heart that is ready to rejoice. Can it get any better than that? I think not.

Let’s party!

The lost art of Letter Writing


My friend and artist, Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson has sent out a plea for people to write her a personal letter. Directions can be found on her blog at http://paperpaintings.growingbolder.com/snail-mail-me/.

Elizabeth uses handwritten letters in her paintings. It is special and poetic and so lovely to see how Elizabeth creates masterpieces from scraps of paper.

I try to write letters as often as possible. There are few things more thoughtful than receiving a hand-written letter from someone. The time it took to write and to think through the writing process is what makes a letter so intimate. It is a dying art form and I wish more people would spend the time writing something to someone once a day. I truly consider it art. So does Elizabeth.

I think back to Paul sitting in prison writing letters to the early Christian churches. Not only did Paul’s letters cheer weary souls but it also showed how much he cared for them even during the worst of circumstances. Paul’s letters live on today in the New Testament with wisdom we still use to enrich our lives.

I doubt Paul realized his letters would travel so far but I’m glad he wrote them. Paul’s writings glorify Christ in a unique and special way.

Send Elizabeth a letter. Better yet, send someone you love a letter.

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Philippians 1:3

O Come Let Us Adore Him


I love the late medieval and Renaissance paintings depicting the life of Christ. But my favorites are always the paintings that show the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms.

These depictions are the Christmas cards that I save and frame or hang on my inspiration board. The way Mary holds her precious child and relishes the moment is forever captured by an artist who is inspired to depict this significant time in history.

In the original church, art was used to teach people about Jesus who were unable to read. In essence, art was like a history book that shared Christ’s life on earth. What a moving and lovely way to learn about Jesus. Paintings draw us into the subject matter and allow us, for a moment, to think about Jesus in a way that words cannot accomplish. The paintings reach to the very core of a person who studies the painter’s canvas. Some works of art are too beautiful for words.

I know this may seem an odd post for the Saturday before Palm Sunday but these lovely cards that I look at daily remind me of a happy time. Even knowing the end at the beginning we can appreciate the precious moments of celebration and glory. And so it goes with Palm Sunday.

We sing each Christmas “O Come Let Us Adore Him” and that is what happened that special Palm Sunday as people came to herald the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Almost thirty-three years after His birth, we get one more happy moment of His earthly life to celebrate the Son of God.

O come all ye faithful, come let us adore him…

“O come let us adore Him

O come let us adore him

O come let us adore Him

Christ the Lord”