Think and Grow Rich?


It makes me sad that modern day authors, speakers and motivational personalities like to preach a message of prosperity. It takes the concept of “think and grow rich” to a whole new level. It sells their books and helps them to line their own pockets .

Do I believe that God wants us to have a good life? Sure, I do. But, and here is the important part…I just don’t think you can “think and grow rich”. I don’t think there is an easy path to wealth. I don’t believe in focusing on your “abundance consciousness.”

More importantly, why would anyone think having great wealth is the primary goal and MOST important thing in life? When did wealth become more essential than loving the Lord with all your heart, your soul and your mind?

Be careful what you wish for. Money does NOT equal happiness and I have found over the years that people never think they have enough money regardless of their circumstances.

Think on Jesus. Ponder His words in your heart. Steep your soul in prayer. Then you will be wealthy beyond your wildest imaginations.