

Sometimes, I just don’t have very much to say. Sometimes, I have too much to say. And sometimes…I get it just right.

Lately, I have been in a phase of self-reflection and introspection. I need these moments to search my soul and reflect upon what is most important to me.

In this busy world…I tend to forget the obvious and focus on the wrong things. I have to pull myself back and realize that I can’t solve all problems, I can’t be make everything right and I sure can’t play God. I like to try, but I fail. It is inevitable.

So lately, I have just been thought-filled yet unconcerned with prognosticating the future. Just one day at a time and one step after another.

I believe God understands. There are times when God and I walk closely and in sync and times when God knows I’m in a lost place needing His help. I believe God gives me the time to come back to Him without condemnation or rebuke. Like a lost sheep, He welcomes me back into the fold and carries me home. 

And for that…I say Thanks.