Can I wear heels in heaven?


I have been thinking about heaven a great deal recently. I find that it is a subject that never bores me and for which I am deeply curious.

So many people have theories on what heaven is like. Writers, theologians and just regular people all have some concept of heaven including how the angels will sound, and when we will meet Jesus. The dimensions of those pearly gates, St. Peter, our loved ones, a book filled with names…so many possibilities. I truly find it so intriguing and illuminating to hear people speak of this mystery.

I have heard writers hope that their version of heaven is like one large Barnes & Noble with comfy chairs, classical music and books galore. Others want heaven to be a golf course. Some hope to wear their high heels. Streets of gold? Lambs book of life? It’s all possible.

But I have my doubts (about the heels of course).

I do know this. I want to go to heaven. I don’t care what it looks like, sounds like, smells like or who I see. I want to walk with Jesus and have him call my name. I want to be told “Well done”, I want to thank Him for unending grace and outrageous love.

So, today, I press on for the prize and I live in the glow of knowledge that God loves us and waits for us. I look in the face of my grandchildren, I watch the birds soar, the rainbows appear and the feel of a loved one’s embrace…and I see heaven. It’s all a brief glimpse of glory for me. It’s that intangible perfect peace and love that can only be gifted by God.

Heaven is for real. This I know.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

Palm Sunday in September?


Retailers have discovered the benefits of having a Christmas in July marketing promotion so count me as pleased when the Dean of our Cathedral decided to study Palm Sunday in September. What a great idea.

I love Palm Sunday where we remember Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It allows us to forget, for a moment, that this joy leads to sorrow. But, and pardon the expression, it is also the ultimate comeback story.

This particular Sunday in the church calendar sometimes seems like a warmup for Easter. Palm Sunday is an important day. It is shared in all four gospels but it is also significant for the mere fact that Jesus allows people to recognize His fulfillment of prophecy.

Sadly, these same people will be calling for His crucifixion in a few short days. It all went very wrong but in the end it was so right…for us.

What a sacrifice. What a King.

Hosannah in September and forever!

I’m walking on sunshine

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I don’t know what heaven looks like and I wouldn’t even venture a guess. The Bible gives us some idea, but really…I think it will be more awe-inspiring than any written word can accurately describe. It is simply beyond our human ability to comprehend.

Today I had a rare opportunity to spend some quiet time of reflection while gazing at the ocean. In my heaven, time and tide will be no more with the never-ending calm of perfect heavenly creation. We will gaze at beautiful things and beloved loved ones who are bathed with the glow of glory and grace.

The ocean calls to me as the waves and the tides work together to create a melodious harmony of sound that calms the senses and soothes the weary soul. For a bliss-filled moment, I’m in heaven…

…and I’m happy. I am filled with a sense of peace. I’m walking on sunshine.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:21



Sometimes, I just don’t have very much to say. Sometimes, I have too much to say. And sometimes…I get it just right.

Lately, I have been in a phase of self-reflection and introspection. I need these moments to search my soul and reflect upon what is most important to me.

In this busy world…I tend to forget the obvious and focus on the wrong things. I have to pull myself back and realize that I can’t solve all problems, I can’t be make everything right and I sure can’t play God. I like to try, but I fail. It is inevitable.

So lately, I have just been thought-filled yet unconcerned with prognosticating the future. Just one day at a time and one step after another.

I believe God understands. There are times when God and I walk closely and in sync and times when God knows I’m in a lost place needing His help. I believe God gives me the time to come back to Him without condemnation or rebuke. Like a lost sheep, He welcomes me back into the fold and carries me home. 

And for that…I say Thanks.