The Power of Prayer


My precious granddaughter has been struggling lately. It’s hard to be perfect when you are only in first grade.

As a new school year starts, it becomes a challenge for her to earn a daily star for being on her best behavior. School rules are tough for a child who is precocious, charming, lively, and very active. She reminds me of her mother. She reminds me of me.

My daughter suggested we start praying with her every morning and ask Jesus to help her behave in order to obtain a star. The results were superior. We were drowning in stars and accolades.

Yesterday, they forgot to pray before school but my grand-girl came home with a star anyway. At this juncture, she declared that praying was no longer needed since Jesus wasn’t essential to her success. This became an opportunity to explain how much she needs Jesus all the time. There are days when prayers are answered and days when life sends us in another direction. Either way, stopping prayer is not an option.

I learned a valuable lesson from my 6-year old granddaughter. At the core, I am regrettably like-minded on the prayer issue. I am guilty of self-centered thoughts.

I seek God for the trials and tests of this life but give up prayerful communication when all is right with my world. If I need something important, I pray heartily. If I don’t need something, I should remember that someone else does. If I don’t need something, then I should praise God. Regardless of life’s circumstances, prayer is mandatory. Prayer is the glue that holds my life together.

At dinner last night, I asked Lily about her day and she told me about the great report. I applauded her and added that I hoped it would be so because I had prayed for her that morning. I asked Jesus to help Lily have a good day.

And he listened.

He always does.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

I know, that I know, that I know… Lent 11

Lent Letterpress

We once had a priest that would often say “I know, that I know, that I know” when he tried to explain his believe in Jesus Christ. It became somewhat of a Christian mantra for him.

I get it.

I love when people ask me how do I know that Jesus is real. While not easy to explain, I relish the opportunity to share my faith and what it has meant to me. I know that people want solid proof. They want to hear God’s soft whisper in their ear. They want something tangible that they can hold in their hands. But that is not typically the nature of faith. It is unseen and it is felt…it is simply known.

I think back to the disciples and the followers of Christ while He walked this earth. He could take five fish and feed thousands, He could raise the dead, heal the sick, and forgive the unforgivable. Yet, they still doubted.

When you acknowledge Christ’s presence in your life, you will know. It is a sense of peace and a sense of joy unlike anything this world can offer. I have had moments where I felt the real presence of Christ in my life. I have felt that peace that passes all understanding and I know where it came from. It certainly wasn’t from me.

God dwells deep within my soul and I will never be able to describe it in detail, I just try to live a life that acknowledges His presence and hopefully allows my inner light to shine…just a little or a lot.

I know, that I know, that I know. I wish the same for you.

Pass it on…


I think my husband is taking my writing seriously.

Not that he hasn’t been supportive…he is always supportive. But today, I returned from a brief work trip to find a 27 inch Mac computer on my desk. This thing is AMAZING and about the size of my dog.

What does a computer have to do with Jesus? Not really much except that I can type the speed of sound and share my love for God with the latest in technology.

I find it incredible that Christianity spread throughout the world basically by word of mouth, letters and eventually the written Bible. Starting with a group of loyal believers who embraced the faith and shared the transforming story of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is astounding.

Now we come to the present where the world needs to know the peace of Christ more than ever. I truly believe we still have a responsibility to spread the good news. The fact that advanced technology aids in our journey as we try to reach others for Him makes it even better.

To God be the glory.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15