Right turns…


Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

We have been on vacation this week and it has been an interesting trip.

The home we are renting near the ocean has a unique entry…the road splits into two as you enter the village. Cars turn right to enter through a longer route while the left lane is reserved for drivers leaving the complex. It is always tempting to cheat and take the shortcut and turn left when there are no cars in sight. But, that doesn’t make it a good decision.

Last night my husband and I were returning after an evening drive and the road was free of traffic. But, Ken took the right turn and the long way home. It was a small decision but I have thought about it a lot today. My husband is a rule follower. He is the kind of person who makes good choices in life. He doesn’t cheat or take shortcuts. I admire that about him.

I think we are led or in some cases, misled to believe that everything will come easy if you only believe in God. Popular and best-selling authors challenge us to simply think, wish or expect riches and material blessings will pour down upon you. While I do believe that God wants the best for us – I believe that you also need to work hard and make good choices.

It may seem easier to take the shortcuts. But don’t shortcut God. He wants you to seek Him and that requires effort. It requires some prayer, study, reflection, and more.

Learning to do the right thing may cause you to take a longer and more arduous journey but in the end…it’s the best thing to do and I believe it’s a journey that God will bless.