

You may not know this but I use this blog to help myself. Yes, I hope you enjoy it as well, but it is to remind me how to behave as a Christian. It is to remind me to be a person of faith.

It doesn’t matter your age or your circumstances, there are times when God does not seem near. You have to be strong and carry on. Believe that God has a better plan for you than you can even imagine.

Be strong.

A Princess Never Cooks


I saw a t-shirt today with the words, “A princess never cooks.” If you knew me, you would know how much that statement would apply to this princess.

On Mother’s Day, I would like to remember the men in my life.

Beginning with my grandfather to my dad, husband, brothers, and son-in-law, I have been treated like a princess my entire life. I have been ridiculously blessed which is  not a term I use lightly.

The benefit of strong male influences has made me a better daughter, sister, wife, and mother. These men have not granted or permitted me to do anything. They have not ruled my life but have encouraged me and loved me. Love is more important than anything.

Having strong men in my life has made me a strong female. In turn, this gives me the freedom to share my hopes, dreams and desires with others. As a Mom, I want my daughters and granddaughter to know this is unique to our family and to most families. These great guys make my life happy and peace-filled.

It is also a daily reminder of our Father in heaven who calls me and all women “daughter” – what a joy, what a gift, what a comfort!

We are all daughter of the King. The Lord encourages us, walks with us through this earthly life, and waits for us in glory.

On this Mother’s Day, I give thanks for the men who have been so present in my life. But, I especially thank the Lord for being a heavenly Father who will never disappoint me and who guides and leads me daily.

I’m a princess, indeed.

“…and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18