Bad News


“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. it means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” – Unknown

I have never met a person who has not experienced pain, heartache, disappointment or grief upon receiving bad news. A multitude of emotions will overwhelm and can even sink the character of the most optimistic soul.

Some things are hard to overcome. It takes perseverance, will, and faith. A lot of faith.

I don’t believe you can wish away bad news or ignore it altogether. You can try but bad news has a way of wreaking havoc unless you confront it and deal with it. What life lesson have you learned if you simply want to forget the bad things of life.

Life happens.

Peter denies Jesus three times yet turns his life around. As for Judas…his ending after making a terrible decision is not stellar as he elects suicide to solve his problems.

Jesus is the only person who knew bad news firsthand. Jesus knew the end at the beginning. I wonder if His earthly walk through life was lonely but then I remember He had a Father guiding his steps.

I don’t want to forget all the bad news. I want to walk through the trials and tribulations of this life until I hear “well done” from our Father in heaven which signals the end of bad news for all time. What a day of rejoicing that will be.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

You are Special!


My Dad gave me lots of advice. I was wise enough to listen.

Dad had every reason to be pessimistic about the world. He was shot down over Germany during WWII while piloting a B-17, interred in a POW camp and lost his hearing. His career as a pilot was finished due to war injuries, and he was born with the name Shirley. Yes, I said his name was Shirley. It would be easy to fall into the muck and wallow in self-pity but that was not his style.

My Dad was a die-hard optimist. Life was good and every day was special.

When I started my business, one of the best things Dad told me was “always remember to make people feel special.” Dad grew up with a desire to help and to enrich the lives of others. He succeeded.

Everyone wants to feel special. Everyone wants to tell you his or her story. You just need to listen.

This is not so surprising. What IS surprising is that more people don’t realize this. When you care about people, and show a genuine interest in their welfare, your life is all the better.

Try this with clients, friends and, most of all, family. Make today the start of a change in your lifestyle. Make someone’s day.

Make someone feel special.

Leave everyone you meet feeling valued. Ask about their day; ask about their lives; just ask and then listen.

Expect little and give much…you will be amazed. The gift of giving someone a sense of self worth is beyond measure. Now that’s special.

Tough Memories of Heroes – Lent 9

Lent Letterpress

My Dad was a Prisoner of War in Nazi Germany. It was an important part of his legacy.

As the pilot of a B-17, he was shot down over Stuttgart and parachuted into a lake where he treaded water until the German military arrived. Any soldier who swam to shore would be beaten or killed by waiting citizens. This was the reality of war.

My Dad did not start talking about his war experience until late in life. I think his sons, grandsons (one of whom is a Naval Commander) and friends wanted to know his story. It was dramatic and cringe-worthy and was difficult for me to comprehend. War is just so horrible.

This was a big part of my Dad’s life; a life lived well with significant highs and lows. The war was a low point for a man who was never defeated in spirit.

However, I really didn’t want to hear about it. I didn’t like to hear about my Father in danger.

I am proud of my Father’s heroism and his military skills of survival. But, I liked the Dad that I knew personally. You see, my Father was one of the most fun-loving and joy-filled people that I ever knew. He had a wicked grin and a lovely sense of humor. He delighted in pranking his children and pulled some funny, funny tricks over his 91 years on this earth. There are so many stories that I can’t begin to share them all. Suffice it to say, there was rarely a dull moment around my home. He was the life of the party and the person we all wanted to be around. He was a magnet for people and they clung to him in love and laughter.

Dad had seen the worst in people including some horrid atrocities that come with being a soldier in combat. He had seen death in so many ways and did not relive those moments often.

Lent is like that for me. I have to force myself to walk through the awful process to get to the resurrection on Easter Sunday. I don’t want to consider the beaten, spit upon, abused, and mocked Jesus. That’s too hard. I don’t want to think of the blood, sweat and tears of Jesus. It is simply too painful to ponder. But sometimes, we have to remember in order to understand and appreciate the never-ending gift given to us through the shed blood of Christ. Sometimes we have to go through the worst to get to the best.

My Dad’s laugh resonates in my heart. My Lord’s sacrifice blesses my soul. The grace of Jesus Christ keeps me safe.

I am grateful. Eternally so…

“A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:32-33

Veterans Day – Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor


“I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another.” John 13:34

Veteran’s Day 2014

My father didn’t start talking about his war experiences until late in his life. I think he didn’t want to burden us with difficult memories but eventually opened up and I’m so glad he did. What a testimony to his family of a life well lived.

My Dad was a POW in Nazi Germany for many years after his B-17 was shot down during a military raid. While I think this experience had a profound effect on him, I don’t think it changed him at the core.

My father loved people. My father loved his family. My father really loved Jesus.

Dad led by example and he told the story of walking through deep snow with the frail and aged Nazi guards who were too weak to carry their own weapons. So Dad and the other soldiers carried their guns. They were not required to do so, they did it to help.

I have always found this story to be one of the most striking of my father’s war memories. Dad’s faith in Jesus never wavered and even in the worst of circumstances, he would use an opportunity to share the love of Christ with ANYONE.

On this Veterans Day, I thank Dad for his courage. I thank Dad for his loving heart. I thank Dad for teaching me about Jesus. Dad said that he survived the war through his belief that Jesus was standing beside him and giving him the strength to return home. I believe this and I am grateful to God.

I am sure my Dad is not the first soldier to have Jesus hold his hand and he won’t be the last. I wish this were not so. If we could only truly love our neighbors…


Falling Back…

home-top-photo-st-marg-church_22I love fall. Just as I watch the sky darken, the leaves change into a variety of majestic colors and the earth prepare for frost, fall signals a time of reflection for the past year and an awareness of the coming Advent season.

In short, fall is my favorite time of the year.

Each Fall I travel to the Blue Ridge and I return to the beautiful mountaintop church where my daughter was married. It was the last time my entire family was together before losing my Mom to cancer. I take a moment to go inside and sit on the very pew I shared with my parents and thank God for loving memories. My favorite is when Dad held my hand as my daughter walked down the aisle to meet her groom. Dad gave me a gentle squeeze as he asked me if I was OK. It was a loving gesture and so typical of my Father.

When I sit in that pew, I can still feel his presence although Dad has since joined Mom and gone home to glory. It’s a great memory of a happy time. If my earthly father was so amazing, how much more wonderful will it be to meet my heavenly Father?

As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to glide down to the ground, I am reminded of my continual growth and change as I work toward a more mature faith. There is so much sin to release and so much good to reflect upon. God’s grace is sufficient and He guides me like a falling leaf and catches me safely in His arms.

For another season, I soar in His love and I look forward for what is yet to come.

Be still and hear the cicadas…

Be still, and know that I am GodBe still. I’m not good at this.

No matter my supreme efforts, I can’t be still. I have tried many times and I have tried many ways but I am a constant form in motion. It has always been so.

I know this Bible verse is tremendously popular and calls us to action. But it really calls us to inaction. I like the action part better. I like to call to God openly and loudly…just like the cicadas.

In the South, we have a vocal litany that fills the night air comprised of our chatty cicada population who, through song, attempt to reach out to a mate. They are known as the loudest insects on the planet. I believe this. They want to be heard. They make a joyful noise.

And so it is with me. I may not be still but I know God and I know He loves me. I talk to him during my constant movements and I ask His blessings even though I can’t be still and listen for His voice sometimes. But I hear him. I hear Him loud and clear and I long to please God. 

I may move too much. I may not be still. But, I move forward and press on to reach a Father who loves me just the way I am. The great “I AM.”

A place of peace…



Years ago when I was expecting my first child, the lamaze instructor was adamant that I find a place in my memory that was peaceful. It was to be somewhere that my mind could wander and calm my soul. It took me about a minute to pinpoint my sweet spot of undiluted happiness.

I was lucky enough to grow up with amazing parents. Not perfect, but wonderfully made and so loving to me. 

Our Miami home was located on a beautiful spring-fed lake with gentle winds that cooled our home. The back yard was impressive with a seawall overlooking the lake and shaded by a huge oak tree which served as the host for a large wooden swing.

This swing was my place of peace. Hours and hours spent with my Dad talking about everything and nothing. Quiet and solitude. His dreams for my future and my Dad’s memories of his past. It was absolutely heavenly.

While in a long labor, I kept my mind mentally on that swing. I was in a labor and delivery room but I could hear a soothing voice and a soft breeze. It made a difficult time more bearable.

To this day, I go there. I go back to my swing and I talk to my Dad. He’s not with me anymore but I know he waits and I am comforted. 

I know he waits for me with Jesus. 

Peace fills my heart and I am calm.

Coming For to Carry Me Home


Today I walked with a childhood friend as we buried her Momma. No matter our age, for many of us, our Mothers are a constant reminder of the purest form of love that we will know. Mothers bind us with their hearts as they bear us in their wombs. They are wonderfully made and graced by God.

I talked so much with my parents who told me that the best way I could honor their memory was to live out a happy life after they were gone. Amazingly, the first thing I found in my father’s wallet after he passed away was a picture of his own Dad who had gone to glory over 70 years ago. For 70 years my Dad had looked at that picture daily. He never forgot.

I know that my friend today will honor her Mother and remember her with love all the rest of her earthly days. I feel the same for my parents. I think we can honor and remember equally and know they wait for us in heaven.

Until that wonderful reunion, I’ll laugh, love, enjoy this life and thank God for every day. That’s the least I can do.

May angels lead you into paradise Gloria Meyerdierks and may God bless Barbara as she grieves her great loss.

Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home

I looked over Jordan, and I what did I see
Coming for to carry me home?
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home

If you get there before I do
Coming for to carry me home
Tell all my friends I coming too
Coming for to carry me home

I’m sometimes up, I’m sometimes down
Coming for to carry me home
But still my soul feels heavenly bound
Coming for to carry me home

A Princess Never Cooks


I saw a t-shirt today with the words, “A princess never cooks.” If you knew me, you would know how much that statement would apply to this princess.

On Mother’s Day, I would like to remember the men in my life.

Beginning with my grandfather to my dad, husband, brothers, and son-in-law, I have been treated like a princess my entire life. I have been ridiculously blessed which is  not a term I use lightly.

The benefit of strong male influences has made me a better daughter, sister, wife, and mother. These men have not granted or permitted me to do anything. They have not ruled my life but have encouraged me and loved me. Love is more important than anything.

Having strong men in my life has made me a strong female. In turn, this gives me the freedom to share my hopes, dreams and desires with others. As a Mom, I want my daughters and granddaughter to know this is unique to our family and to most families. These great guys make my life happy and peace-filled.

It is also a daily reminder of our Father in heaven who calls me and all women “daughter” – what a joy, what a gift, what a comfort!

We are all daughter of the King. The Lord encourages us, walks with us through this earthly life, and waits for us in glory.

On this Mother’s Day, I give thanks for the men who have been so present in my life. But, I especially thank the Lord for being a heavenly Father who will never disappoint me and who guides and leads me daily.

I’m a princess, indeed.

“…and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18