Is there a car line in heaven?


I don’t mean to be irreverent but it struck me yesterday after waiting in line for various things (groceries, school pick-up, post office) that there might be a line to get into heaven.

If we were honest, we ALL want a guaranteed spot in heaven, but there are so MANY of us who want the same thing. After all this time in my earthly home, it just struck me funny that there might be a wait to get in. It’s probably not funny in truth.

I hope it is not a long wait.

I’m anxious to see Jesus. I’m anxious to see family. I’m not into delayed gratification. Is that selfish? I can wait my turn but I’m not big on waiting.

But maybe, just maybe, this life is our earthly wait to see Jesus. Maybe we are already in “line” for the King.

It’s what we do while we wait that makes the difference.