Ash Wednesday

Lent Letterpress

“Peace I leave with you.” John 14:27

I am the kind of person that once immersed in a great book will often flip to the last few pages so I know the ending. Some may think this is cheating and not very considerate of the author’s buildup to the conclusion of the story. Others are probably just like me. We like to know the end at the beginning.

And so it goes with the season of Lent. I love this time of the year in the church calendar and I look forward to spending time in thought, word and deed as we recall the ultimate sacrifice and triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a hard journey for those who take it seriously.

However, I love Lent because I know the end at the beginning.

In John 14 we hear Jesus telling the disciples that soon He won’t be with them in this world. Jesus knows that He must leave His followers in order to fulfill prophecy and return to the Father. I’m certain this was a cause of great concern for the disciples. But Jesus constantly reassures them that He will send a helper, a comforter, and a counselor to them.

This remains an important part of the the lenten journey. We need to remember that God chooses us and we are not alone. We are adopted by Him and deeply loved.

Together, we are going to take the next few weeks to walk the weary path to Calvary. It is a tough reminder of a sacrificial life given for our sins. Jesus was blameless, we are not.

I’m ready to remember but I’m also ever confident in a God that constantly comforts us. Won’t you join me?



I have never believed that everything in life is black or white. I believe in the idea that life is made of many colors and grays abound.

From the moment of birth to the moment of death, we make life decisions based upon our core beliefs. We don’t always make good decisions…but we should.

When you come to that point where you have to decide if you go left, right or straight…stop and think about God. But I would also ask you to think about your earthly family because this life is not just about our wishes and desires. It’s about thinking of someone else who cares deeply and even if you feel they don’t…someone does want the best for you.

No one is going to get it right 100% of the time. That’s a given. But if you realize that there is something and someONE more important than you…the odds are in your favor. You will make a good decision.

If you are having trouble making decisions, please ask for help. Suicide is and will always be a poor decision which leaves an everlasting heartache on those left behind.

This I know.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;  and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

Right turns…


Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

We have been on vacation this week and it has been an interesting trip.

The home we are renting near the ocean has a unique entry…the road splits into two as you enter the village. Cars turn right to enter through a longer route while the left lane is reserved for drivers leaving the complex. It is always tempting to cheat and take the shortcut and turn left when there are no cars in sight. But, that doesn’t make it a good decision.

Last night my husband and I were returning after an evening drive and the road was free of traffic. But, Ken took the right turn and the long way home. It was a small decision but I have thought about it a lot today. My husband is a rule follower. He is the kind of person who makes good choices in life. He doesn’t cheat or take shortcuts. I admire that about him.

I think we are led or in some cases, misled to believe that everything will come easy if you only believe in God. Popular and best-selling authors challenge us to simply think, wish or expect riches and material blessings will pour down upon you. While I do believe that God wants the best for us – I believe that you also need to work hard and make good choices.

It may seem easier to take the shortcuts. But don’t shortcut God. He wants you to seek Him and that requires effort. It requires some prayer, study, reflection, and more.

Learning to do the right thing may cause you to take a longer and more arduous journey but in the end…it’s the best thing to do and I believe it’s a journey that God will bless.


Tiptoe through the tulips


Over 35 years ago I was firmly entrenched in planning a wedding. As typical, life was chaotic but it did not deter me from trying to coordinate the perfect honeymoon.  I was insistent that we spend our first night overlooking the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale. Everything would be perfect.

Until we got to the hotel.

Weeks of planning culminated in our arrival at a rather shabby inn. Added to that, it was NOT on the beach. In fact, it had no views, was dingy and as a result was undergoing major renovation. Not the most ideal of circumstances. I remember distinctly that the clerk was trying desperately to cheer me up by sharing that the entertainer known as “Tiny Tim” was also staying at the hotel. Don’t know about you, but a honeymoon with Tiny Tim was not on my bucket list.

Fast forward so many years and I realize now that this was a great beginning to a crazy life journey. This was not a major disaster…it was a minor inconvenience. We have laughed over this story many times having spent countless great vacations in cities all over the world.

No matter how hard I try to make everything perfect, there is often something that comes up and makes us change course. It’s all good. The end result is what matters. It’s the forest…not the trees.

My botched honeymoon doesn’t equate to the serious issues of life…those things came later and without warning. Life is like that. But, it reminds me to trust God and move forward in faith. Good things come out of bad situations…they really do. It’s a learning journey and we are all onboard for the ride of our lives.

As my pastor always said, “God is Good”

…all the time.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11