Lord, Save Us!


Psalm 118:25

Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success!

Lent is a traditional time of self reflection and soul-searching.

In reality… I should do this daily. My soul needs to be renewed, refreshed, searched, and recharged. My soul gets weary.

I cry out to God… Lord, save us! Save this land, save my loved ones, and save us from a bountiful harvest of sins.

I know He hears us. I know He hears me. I pray He grants success to all who call upon His name.

Amen and amen.

You are Special!


My Dad gave me lots of advice. I was wise enough to listen.

Dad had every reason to be pessimistic about the world. He was shot down over Germany during WWII while piloting a B-17, interred in a POW camp and lost his hearing. His career as a pilot was finished due to war injuries, and he was born with the name Shirley. Yes, I said his name was Shirley. It would be easy to fall into the muck and wallow in self-pity but that was not his style.

My Dad was a die-hard optimist. Life was good and every day was special.

When I started my business, one of the best things Dad told me was “always remember to make people feel special.” Dad grew up with a desire to help and to enrich the lives of others. He succeeded.

Everyone wants to feel special. Everyone wants to tell you his or her story. You just need to listen.

This is not so surprising. What IS surprising is that more people don’t realize this. When you care about people, and show a genuine interest in their welfare, your life is all the better.

Try this with clients, friends and, most of all, family. Make today the start of a change in your lifestyle. Make someone’s day.

Make someone feel special.

Leave everyone you meet feeling valued. Ask about their day; ask about their lives; just ask and then listen.

Expect little and give much…you will be amazed. The gift of giving someone a sense of self worth is beyond measure. Now that’s special.

Crossed wires at the Cross…

telegraph pole

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Philippians 4:8

We had the most unusual thing occur in church today. The wireless microphone system crossed wires with something or someone outside the church and for the longest and most annoying length of time, we heard a rather jarring conversation during the sermon and service.

As I watched the priests scramble frantically to find the offending noise, it dawned on me that this is exactly how things have been going for me lately.

I have not done my part to be still, pray and listen for God’s sweet voice in my ear. I have let the distractions of this world drag me down and disappoint me. I have not listened to the one person who can make my day better. I have been totally distracted.

Sin has a way of doing that. It takes me out of the present and away from God. I don’t like it but I find myself in that wasteland more than I care to admit.

The Dean finally explained that a movie crew was filming close-by and once alerted, changed frequencies so the service could continue uninterrupted. I think I heard an audible sigh of relief from all in attendance (no pun intended).

I ask God, here and now, to remind me to turn off distractions and turn to Him. Life is so much better when we don’t walk it alone.

What a relief.